Ananya Shetty

Ananya Shetty

Bengaluru, India
I help growing businesses leave competitors scrambling to keep up via messaging that keep customers plastered to screen. I'm also a proud dog mom and a nerdy bookworm.
Speed reading - save 1000 hours/year and master creativity

Speed reading - save 1000 hours/year and master creativity

I’ve always loved reading from as far as I can remember. My love story with words started in the
3 min read
Peek-a-boo to journal - find gold

Peek-a-boo to journal - find gold

Making decisions daily in an evolving landscape is a genuinely complex thought process. Do I focus on my work first?
3 min read
How can you create a brilliant brand? Learn from IITs.

How can you create a brilliant brand? Learn from IITs.

A few years ago, I had landed a seat at the most prestigious institution in my country. Everything seemed rosy.
2 min read
coloring life and work

coloring life and work

As creative professionals, we regularly splash colors everywhere. I love creating sights that are admired and cherished. However, staying consistent
2 min read
finding real happiness

finding real happiness

Sometimes, we take these random decisions on the spot. Sometimes they give beautiful results. ‘You cannot connect the dots looking
2 min read